A view of my world through photos. Nothing fancy, just random photos taken during the course of my life.. little "slices of time". Perhaps you will gather some insight as to who I am..at the very least perhaps you will occasionally see or read something that makes you smile or makes you think. If you do, then this blog is a success. (click on the picture for a larger view)
Friday, January 30, 2009
Another Step Towards Freedom

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today the cast was cut...she cut both sides so that Friday all they have to do is pry it off before surgery...(it stays because she just cut the casted part...the cloth below is the still whole and is keeping it on me).
Was I worried she would get ME? Not really, but a couple of times it sure felt close...I was brave..even when it tickled. I am really getting excited to get this thing off...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Another One
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Since We Were So Close...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Fresh Air!!

Gale sprung me from house arrest today...our first stop was the bank for some money so we could make all the other stops...you can see the footrest for the wheelchair reflecting on the glass of the rear window. I only had one transaction and I had all my ID...Robin sent it in the mail.
Stay tuned...there will be more pics from my outing as the days go by...aren't you glad I have some new stuff???? I am!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Mission Central
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Business Casual
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The Big Reveal
Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009

The staples are now gone...had those removed on the 31st. I had them on both sides, but you can only see the one side here. On the 30th, Dr. A will go back in and take out the two screws that go all the way across. Those are holding it all together while it heals. The plate, the short screws and the two angled up will stay with me forever.
The bright spot on the bottom isn't a glowing bone...just the reflection of the flash....
Still debating if I will post the pics of my incisions ... I think they are cool but not sure about the squeamish among you.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Pietro Penguin

One of the hi-lights of my stay. Robin came to visit me on Christmas day. She brought with her a few gifts she thought would cheer me up or otherwise add to my decor. Pietro was my Christmas gift from Jan and Bob and what a neat surprise he was. He had lights in his legs, on his scarf and his hat...they blinked and winked and kept things merry. He added a festive note to 410-1, I have to say. I know Debbi will be jealous, but this one is mine.
Christmas Lunch

The remains of my Christmas lunch. I think it was lemon meringue pie for dessert...I ate that first. This meal was actually served warm (not hot..warm) and the ham was real. Most of it was palatable, but the potatoes were pretty blah.
I hope that I never have to eat institutional food again in my life. Meals were always a surprise. Didn't matter what you ordered...you got what you got. Not once did I get the measly piece of bacon I asked for...low salt diet, doncha know. We won't discuss the packets of salt that were on every tray I got.... Christmas dinner was supposed to be roast beef, I got stuffed shells (and I don't think they were Stouffers). More often than not the food was cold...not warm, cold...it was tasteless...some of it went back to the kitchen on the spot it was so grossly unappetizing. One learned to save the cookie or the crackers. I had pop brought in and that was the mainstay of my diet. Finally, near the end I had FOOD brought in. Many of my readers know that I work in Foodservice...that my company brokers the products that one will find in schools, hospitals etc. I guess when you eat that food under optimum conditions, ie it is cooked properly, served hot it isn't so bad....but I have to tell you.....if ever you have to stay at one of those places....bring your own groceries. I should mention here that the facility I was at was one of the better ones out there. I heard that over and over from my co-inmates who had been at other places, and from people visiting.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Who Am I?

My name bracelet at the "home" The blue foot and the red star denote a fall hazard....not sure anybody really looked at it...but then...I WAS pretty vocal....
I wanted to save the one from St. Joe's but I was distracted when Edie was doing the switch and she tossed it. At St. Joe's you are just another number...honest...they BAR CODE you!...Everytime somebody gave me meds or a shot or whatever, they scanned their barcode, then mine. I don't think I was on sale....
Breaking the Rules
Fentanyl (sp)....a fast acting trip to hell.....I would rather deal with the pain than the effects of that. Imagine being a motion sickness maven, riding backwards in an ambulance, under the effects of a drug that makes you think the ambulance just took off and is now flying? Yeh.
In ER they gave me something for the nausea and something for everything else..xrayed the ankle, knocked me out to do the reduction and after that ... who knows.
The time I spent in hospital presents itself as a series of mist-enshrouded dreams, vague and shapeless and out of sequence...nameless faces and faceless names...voices in the middle of the night talking about "vitals"...the sting of yet another needle trying to find a vein...soundless TV...monitor alarms...a disembodied voice announcing "CodeBlue"....(oh Lord, please don't let it be me).