Monday, September 26, 2011


We had one of our distributors in the office last week doing product training.  Although having all those people in the office makes it a bit hectic, it is worth it sometimes.  These king crab legs were just the beginning of my freebies...and they were very, very tasty.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Format Format Format

So in the past month I have had two, count 'em 1, 2, yeh two cards fail in my camera before I could get the pics off them.  And I had a few good shots on those cards...

The first one ... well ... that will learn me not to use my camera for storage, but instead get them on my external drive for bad.

But the second one???  I took the pics and as soon as I got home I went to download them...pffft...card needs formatting...would you like to format?  Oh  and by the way?  You will lose all pictures and then it (the camera) sticks its tongue out at me...

So until I can a) get something captured and b) not have to format a perfectly good are stuck with this...